Thursday, October 8, 2009

Making a list and Checking it twice.

Have you made your list yet?
The list that you memorize until January in case someone asks you the greatest question of all time.
"What would you like me to get you for Christmas?"
It may seem a little early for this but hey we know how some people like to shop early. It's happened far too many times for me. I've not made a list, then when asked by a loved one at the wrong time and place I have caused many a nights of sorrow. Too many times I have been out with my wife or a close family member when they would ask the question.
When unprepaired my mind would race as though my very life could be on the line. As I fumbled through Hot Rod magazine clippings in my head I would become tense and anxious. Then like Ralphie talking to Santa Claus I would blubber out some stupid item that really means nothing to me at all like a new leaf rake or something. It's really hard to go back afterwards and bring up something like a programmer or exhaust kit when you first mentioned a $5.00 item.
I suggest that you start making a list. Check it twice (make sure the part numbers are all correct) then staple a DBR business card to it and leave it her make up drawer.
She'll love you for making her job much easier.

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